I decided to reschedule the exam 1 month later, this decision is both making me feel comfortable but on the other side so depressed. Yes, i was the one who was struggling everyday to keep his exam day un-changed as mentioned in my previous blog post and now i just re-scheduled it 1 day before the 90 days payment notice.

There are few mistakes and lessons learnt from my rescheduling experience. 

1st is that it's not always rainbows and butterflies you can keep telling yourself you'll make this and that topic then you end up realizing the fact that this and that is actually a big topic that would take you 1 week instead of 1 day

2nd My plan was really bad and i couldn't comply to it , it was having a very wide scope and not well defined with topics and a time plan strict to the topic. I underestimated VOL2 of INE as well , i decided i won't book the exam until i take at least one of those 20 labs to the test.

3rd Stress : I was so stressed to the extent that i started messing my life up , my whole life turned about the exam and i talk about nothing but it. And that was the mistake , if my plan was well planned then i shouldn't be thinking about the exam all day but i should only stick to the plan which indicate i should be studying at certain time intervals. This stress made me hate the exam and the topics am studying. Now to clear something i should be loving what am doing ain't i ?

4th Social Media distractions can mess your whole life really not just your exam
Few decisions :

1st : My deadline for the exam is 28-th March 2014 inshAllah unless something catastrophic takes place in my life like being attacked by a dinosaur in the backyard or something.

2nd: Divide topics to small chunks , and i mean really small chunks. I'd like to stress on some chunk topics that i know very well that i fear and tackle them wisely

3rd : A very well organized detailed time plan that should include day offs and fun stuff to do, also i need to re-shape my work schedule to accelerate my studying

4th :  Stop over-reacting to what the exam is and how am going to do in it when am not studying

5th : All what comes will be good inshAllah 

95 days left to the exam still facing some trouble booking the exam , i won't feel relieved until i get my Visa and my exam booked and my airplane ticket on my desk, but that's not all. Fear of time overcomes all this.

Time pass by so fast those days more than i expected and am afraid to start dropping topics for the sake of passing the exam or taking the short route towards the certificate. I wish i could make passing the certificate the last thing on my mind but too much pressure is around specially from my self and the fact this is going to be one of the toughest exams in my life.

I started to feel pressure as the clock keeps ticking and it leads for me to focus only on studying friends family etc... are not part of my thoughts only the exam that's the only thing that's on my mind ...... 95 days left i hope i make the most of it and it's always about the journey anyway (only words)
So today i decided to pay for the CCIE exam using my credit card and i didn't know that Cisco actually seems to be not withdrawing the money from your credit card until 90-day before the exam schedule , so any time you want to drop the exam they'll just drop your credit card information. I still fear the fact that 90-day before the exam a transfer failure takes place or something and i lose my scheduled attempt date. This date is very important to me since it's 1 day before my birthday, it's one of the reasons why i challenged myself to take the exam on that day. I want to be CCIE before i turn 26.

And since that day is special to me , i'm ready to risk the money and pay 3 months exactly before the exam to book that day, also i checked Cisco and found already this date is booked by another 3 CCIE candidates so i don't want to risk losing the date or the risk of having CCIE v5 all out and people would buckle up to book their CCIE exam. 

Yesterday i went back home 9:30 pm and decided i'll sleep as much as i can and i won't set my alarm clock for today and then i took a total of 12 hours sleeping. I believe it's normal when i study 3 hours a day then head to work for 9 hours to drop down like this, but this isn't the problem. The problem lies in the fact that my whole life became oriented around the exam i think of nothing but the exam and planning to pay for it and the travelling papers and visa. Any decision i make those days is only oriented to the fact will it impact my studying or not. Simply my whole life is oriented towards only one thing the exam.

I'm afraid after the exam will be over is that i'll find nothing to do except more studying since i feel like am breaking many bonds those days by my studying scheme , i fear to fail the exam that's for sure and most importantly I'm afraid to be wasting my time.

Since i had no will to go hard on studying i started to think about paying the exam money... (To be continued)


    During the past few years I've worked on becoming a networks expert , with more than 3 years of practical experience within Orange Business Services , i started to hold grip of important technical aspects to the complex network design specially with Cisco networks. 

    I'm currently pursuing my first CCIE


    December 2013
    November 2013

