It's been more than 50 days since my fail attempt in Dubai on 27th of March 2014. I tried more than once to write this post but i couldn't , i tried even to book another exam attempt and i couldn't and i watched happily the CCIEv4 exam expiring and i have to start preparing for CCIEv5 if i still want the certificate.

To be 100 % honest am not sure why did i fail my exam, in technical terms i had a TCL script running and ensuring full reach-ability to all network devices i was sure that i got it but unfortunately seems that it was not meant to be this time.  What i know is that a certain lack of concentration caused a layer 2 problem that i didn't notice and due to all bad luck in the world i wasn't able to detect the fault till the end of the exam. 

My life after the exam was a little bit more shallow than i ever expected; the exam was taking a really big portion of my life that i hardly noticed what's happening around me in life. You reach a point where you find that at least 3 months of your life has been taken away from you , when i take a look at what i've done this year the months january-february-march seem to be out of calendar and until now all days seem the same.

There's no doubt that I learnt alot from the experience and i learnt more than i expected, i got awesome support from people around me my friends and family more than expected. This is my first ever failure in an exam in my whole life so it was a little bit shocking but we learn from failure more than success. Below am sharing my advise to anyone taking the exam to not share my destination.

Why did i fail my CCIE ?

  1.  Take really good sleep eventhough you won't but do whatever possible to have a healthy sleeping pattern before the exam , learn to practice for the exam early mornings and sleep at night
  2. When you book the flight , book the flight maximum 1 day before the exam. Having the exam 2 days in a different country raises your anxiety level.
  3. Try to book a hotel nearby the exam location
  4. When practicing make sure you learn how to verify after you finish all configuration section , you must practice very well how to make full verification on your topology and tasks
  5. Read Read & Read the exam questions
  6. The proctor is not your enemy , he's there to help you DON'T EVER hesitate to go ask him if you notice anything unusual taking place in the exam
  7. Don't tell anyone except really really close friends and family that you're taking the exam , telling people raise your fear of failure level and pressure

See you all before the end of this year for my CCIEv5 attempt inshAllah :) and thanks for following

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    During the past few years I've worked on becoming a networks expert , with more than 3 years of practical experience within Orange Business Services , i started to hold grip of important technical aspects to the complex network design specially with Cisco networks. 

    I'm currently pursuing my first CCIE


    December 2013
    November 2013

