I am now able to understand the key concepts of configuration but i absolutely have no idea how that thing works when it comes when doing this on the lab, so here's a quick small notes to what i understand right now.  Taking the INE vol1 output from OER master configuration.
ip prefix-list NET112 permit
oer-map OER 10                     <<<<<<< OER MAP is the perfect way to make seperate policy rules for seperate traffic classes
match ip address prefix-list NET112
oer master
policy-rules OER
oer-map 10
set mode route observe   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This means that traffic with for destination will inherit default policy settings as it is but its mode route will be observe (i.e it won''t manipulate routing table)
oer master
mode route control 
mode route metric static tag 1000          <<<<<< Setting static and BGP parameters for mainpulated routes injected to modify traffic path
mode route metric bgp local-pref 6000
active-probe tcp-conn target-port 23
active-probe tcp-conn target-port 23   <<<<<<< Instead of passivly collecting results send active probes using port 23 (note ip sla responder and reciever must accept those probes)
active-probe tcp-conn target-port 23

throughput   <<<<<<<< learn throughput (number of bytes sent)  & delay
protocol tcp port 80 src          <<<<<<<<<< Don't monitor all traffic classes but ONLY those protocols being matched will be monitored 
protocol 1
protocol udp port range 16384 32767 src
periodic-interval 5       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Set them to 1 and 0 which is time it takes to learn and time it takes to sleep
monitor-period 3
aggregation-type bgp      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Aggregate prefixes learnt to BGP prefixes (i.e if bgp entry is /32 the learnt prefic will be /32)

border key-chain OER
interface Serial1/2 external
max-xmit-utilization percentage 80   <<<<<<<< max utilization is 75% by default we make it here 80

delay threshold 200   <<<<<< Threshold for delay is 200 ms
loss relative 30   <<<<<<<<<< Threshold for packet loss is 30 % this will trigger OER to search for an aternate pass
holddown 600          <<<<<<< If you make a decision hold it down for 600 seconds
mode select-exit best <<<<<<< By defailt its good , best means it will search for all possible alternatives and choose the best one
periodic 90

resolve utilization priority 1 variance 15
resolve delay priority 2 variance

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    The posts in this blog are not a technical reference it's just my humble way of understanding topics in my CCIE pursuit , they could be right and could be wrong and most importantly they're debatable.
    Note All comic pictures used on this blog are made using the amazing Facebook app bitstrips


    During the past few years I've worked on becoming a networks expert , with more than 3 years of practical experience within Orange Business Services , i started to hold grip of important technical aspects to the complex network design specially with Cisco networks. 

    I'm currently pursuing my first CCIE 


    December 2013
    November 2013

